Whole Wheat Flour for Baby

The nutritional goodness of whole wheat is very impressive and a great option for baby and kiddo! Whole wheat flour contains high amounts of B vitamins and is a great source of manganese and magnesium which all help regulate energy inside our cells. Whole wheat flour has also been shown to help prevent type 2 diabetes, help lower the incidence of cardiovascular disease and heart attacks, and has been shown to help reduce severity of childhood asthma episodes. In addition, whole wheat flour also contains and impressive amount of fiber – right around 16 grams in just one cup! This healthy dose of fiber will help keep digestion on track for baby and kiddo. Whole wheat flour is full of nutrients, but it’s also very versatile. Use it for baking all of your kid’s favorite breads, muffins and cookies or as a healthier alternative to regular pancake mix!


Highlighted Nutritional Importance of Whole Wheat Flour


Niacin – also known as Vitamin B3, this Vitamin is essential for good circulation and helps to keep skin and gums healthy
Thiamin – a B Vitamin that is essential for baby’s brain development and aids the normal functioning of the nervous system, muscles and heart
Vitamin B6 – this vitamin regulates the body’s natural sleep cycles and support normal brain development
Folate – this B vitamin supports baby’s brain and nervous system health


Manganese – helps form bone and cartilage and plays a role in the formation of carbohydrates, amino acids and cholesterol
Selenium – this trace mineral supports the immune system and healthy thyroid function
Phosphorus – crucial for building healthy bones and teeth
Magnesium – helps to maintain baby’s nerve and muscle function and helps to support baby’s immune system

What is the difference between Whole Wheat Flour and White Whole Wheat Flour?

Both regular whole wheat flour and white whole wheat flour are made from wheat berries, but its the color of wheat berry that makes the difference. Regular whole wheat flour is made from red berries – giving it its tannish hue, whereas white whole wheat flour is made from the white wheat berry. Nutritionally, you are getting pretty much the same thing with either option. White whole wheat flour has a slightly lower fiber content and a bit more sugar than regular whole wheat, but it’s nothing too significant. This is important if you have a picky eater that doesn’t like the look of the darker whole wheat flour!

How to Select and Store Whole Wheat Flour for Baby Food

When selecting whole wheat flour, it is important to purchase 100% whole wheat flour (or white whole wheat flour) from your grocery store. This ensures that the bran and the germ portion of the wheat berry remain in the flour and you are receiving the most nutritional benefit. When the bran and the germ are removed, you are left with white flour that is far less nutrient-dense and contains just a fraction of the healthy fiber and vitamins and minerals that whole wheat flour contain.

The best way to store whole wheat flours is in an airtight container in the refrigerator to prevent it from become rancid, or spoiled.

Recipes Using Whole Wheat Flour: